Dr. Star Bailey, DC,  is a licensed chiropractor,  certified NET practitioner and certified QSCA life coach.  She has been practicing  chiropractic in the north county San Diego cities of Oceanside, Encinitas, Solana Beach and San Marcos since 1999. She has been successfully using a mind body approach called Neuro-Emotional Technique or NET to help patients who are suffering from chronic pain and illnesses achieve lasting health and vitality.

A former professional jazz dancer, choreographer, and singer in New York City, besides running her healing businesses and The Blissful Goat Life, Star keeps busy teaching one tap dance class per week at Dance North County in Encinitas and is a singer in the local duo "California Gold". (@californiagoldmusic22 on insta)

An animal lover throughout her life, Star first brought goats onto her San Marcos farm so she could drink their milk for it's healing benefits.  What she discovered was an animal with a temperament that was healing all on it's own! Dr. Star has navigated symptoms from her own bouts of illness including Lyme disease, Hashimoto's and other autoimmune diseases.  It is her mission to help others discover the healing benefits derived from the great outdoors, animals, truly healing nutrition, exercise, Neuro-Emotional Technique and a spiritual approach to life and health. She thoroughly prepares students for a peaceful and meaningful interaction with her pet "goaties" with the intention of giving people a joyful experience that allows them to connect with nature and themselves in a beautiful pastoral setting.


the blissful goat